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A member registered May 29, 2023

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New score of 5600 coins with 25 dishes. Average of 224 coins.

Just a tip about the grill: If you give the mouse 3 cheeses in 1 round, it upgrades the grill for 2 rounds to cook cheese and insta-cook food.

Nvm, I thought I was softlocked since I couldn't go back from B2, but turns out A2 is possible without deer

I softlocked myself while trying to go for the stoat instead of the deer and now I'm stuck between A2 and B2

I also found an infinite height glitch and got out of bounds lol.

After 3 tries, I managed to cross the gap and get the good ending!

I got stuck outside the map because I jumped too much and now I cannot progress. Help?

I just tried a new strat and got to round 25. Could def go longer if I had better micro. 

(1 edit)

Boxer has a faster attack speed which allows it to knockback quicker which is why I prefer it, but Bodybuilder also has a larger hitbox. Either method is good, it's just the method I prefer.

(1 edit)

My personal guide:

Turn 1: Get Skateboarder, Blacksmith, or the 5 costs, if none are available then die.

Turn 2: Still buy available 5 costs unless you need money for Skateboarder or Blacksmith

Turn 3/4: If you have Assassin in shop and have money; then get him. If not continue turn 2

Turn 5: You should have Skateboarder/Blacksmith, Blacksmith/Assassin and Chef/Guitarist. If you have available capital then get Boxer.

Turns 6-8: Make sure you have Skateboarder, Blacksmith, Assassin, and Boxer.

Turn 9: PRAY

Turn 10: Get Bodybuilder

Turns 11-14: Wait

Turn 15: Get Bouncer (Edit: Instead, replace Boxer and Blacksmith with Guitarist, Goon, and Mall Cop).

Turns 16-???: Wait for inevitable death

Thank you for reading my guide.

Once during pacemaker, I set the AI.code Platforms to max speed the entire duration and managed to clip through them early on. I don't know how this happened but it was very funny and I could still finish so pls don't patch but how did this happen?